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Radio Platfform Project

We have supported the Wales Millennium Centre’s Radio Platfform project which encourages young people to become radio presenters and broadcasters.

Radio Platfform first exploded onto the online airwaves last year as part of Wales Millennium Centre's first ever Festival of Voice. A unique pop-up radio station, Radio Platfform is positioned in the Centre's front of house area and is delivered by young people.

This innovative digital project enables young people to develop their broadcasting skills through the creation of radio content as well giving them an opportunity to express themselves and represent their communities via a number of online platforms. After completing a six-week training course, delivered by the station manager and Promo Cymru, they receive an Agored Cymru accreditation in Radio Presenting and Broadcasting.

We have provided funding for a portable radio desk, enabling Radio Platfform to broadcast from different locations and at various events.

One of our apprentices, Lloyd Canham, who attended a Radio Platfform showcase at the Centre, met Station Manager, Greg Petter, and 15 young people who are currently enrolled on the programme.

Station Manager Greg said: “The desk is the most important part of any station, and we are fortunate to have received a new one from Western Power Distribution. This enables our young people to learn to use industry standard equipment and prepares them further for the media world.”

WPD Apprentice Lloyd Canham joined some of the young people who have already enrolled on the Radio Platfform programme.

WPD Corporate Communication Officer, Karen Welch said: “Companies like ours should always seek to play a full and active role in the communities they serve and we are delighted to be working in partnership with Wales Millennium Centre.

“Projects like this have discovery, participation and learning at their heart, and they support and encourage young people to engage and express themselves. We also hope it will encourage them to develop skills in social interaction and cultural awareness, and to express themselves through music and the performing arts, as well as inspiring them to develop their broadcasting skills.”

If you would like to hear more about Radio Platfform and how you can get involved please get in touch

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