Facilitating sharing of information for potential generation connections consortiums

Facilitating Generation Connections

Where there are areas of our network which have little or no capacity available for connecting further generation, new generation connection applicants may be required to contribute to the cost of network reinforcement to provide them with their connection and generation capacity.

There can also be cases where a developer’s generation is to be established in a location which is remote from the existing WPD network and requires extensive connection assets to connect them.

In both these cases, the costs of the network reinforcement or new connection assets can hamper the viability of the applicant’s scheme.

One potential option available to developers to overcome this is to share these connection charges with other generators’ schemes wishing to connect to the same area of the network; by applying as a consortium for the combined connection works, the reinforcement which may be triggered, or the new connection asset costs, may be shared between the parties in the consortium.