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This project ended in Jun 2023 and is now closed.

Network Event and Alarm Transparency (NEAT)

Funding mechanismNetwork Innovation Allowance (NIA)
DurationOct 2020 - Jun 2023
Project expenditure£500K
Research areaNetwork improvements and system operability
  • May 2023

    The dissemination webinar has been held and the project closedown report has now been completed. The project is now complete.


The objective of the project are to;

  • understand the data that can be used to provide context for the alarm and event analysis
  • assess the quality of this data and where possible correct quality issues
  • derive preliminary insights from the data to inform the selection of models
  • carry out advanced analytics to understand the relationships between alarms and events in different systems and the external datasets
  • create a prototype dashboard to allow the analysis to be run regularly and present the user with results
  • trial the use of the dashboard using real data over a period of time
  • consolidate and share the learning from the project


New DSO related control systems, such as Active Network Management (ANM) and System Voltage Optimisation (SVO), are increasing the number of alarms and events that need to be managed in the control room. This is expected to increase further as new systems are developed to support new DSO functions. Therefore we expect both the types of events and number of events to increase as systems make greater use of new data in-feeds as well as existing SCADA inputs. The underlying cause of events is sometimes difficult to ascertain and where systems interact with each other, understanding the relationships between their events and alarms will reduce the time spent supporting new DSO related systems and ensure that they can operate optimally.


The project will develop a tool to analyse the relationship between alarms and events within and across the control room system and those for ANM and SVO. This will be sufficiently generic that future systems can be included and analysed in the same way. It will have functions to highlight relationships helping identify common causes that can then be used to put remedial actions in place, which will include automatic grouping of alarms to simplify their management.