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Celebrating women in engineering

More women are needed to take up roles in engineering, which is why we are backing this year’s International Women in Engineering Day on 23 June.

          Amy Bearman, Craft Development, West Midlands

We employ women in a range of engineering-related roles across the Midlands, the South West and South Wales, but agree more needs to be done to encourage women into the industry.

Last year, we signed up to WISE (Women into Science and Engineering), a national campaign which encourages women and girls to take up courses and careers in science, technology, engineering and maths.

Rosie Smith, a Craftsperson working on cable jointing in Northamptonshire, said: 
“I am the only woman on my team but I don’t even think about it. 

“I like being outside, being able to get on with things and seeing a job through to the end. I don’t know if the job is different for me as a woman because I don’t know what it’s like for a man. In my whole time as a jointer, I have never been aware of being treated differently because I am female.

“If other women are considering a career like mine, I would say ‘why not?’ I thought I could do it and the company gave me the opportunity so I went out and did it. We definitely need to encourage more women to do the same.”

Her message was echoed by Debra Baker, a Planner in South Wales, who is responsible for designing extensions to the electricity network.

Debra said: “Planning is very technical but it is a role that anybody can do. It doesn’t matter if you’re a man or a woman, young or old, as long as you deliver what the customer wants.”

Beverley Dwyer, WPD Employee Relations Manager, said: “At WPD, we are proud to employ women in a variety of engineering roles and to celebrate the vital role they play in helping to keep the lights on for our 7.9 million customers.

“We hope that the very positive female engineering role models at WPD will help to encourage more girls and women to consider a career in engineering.”

To read more about other women in engineering please read our case studies on our new careers website. 

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