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NIA Project Call 2020

Following the success of our previous NIA call for project proposals, which has accounted for fifty percent of our NIA projects over the last two years, we are now releasing our next. This one focusses on maximising the value of our existing data (focussed on our available data from our Energy Data Hub), specifically looking to inform faults and failure prediction.

As part of existing operations and specifically innovation trials we have collected vast amounts of disparate operational and project data from previous activities. The autonomous cleaning, tagging, and cataloguing of these datasets that are often in different formats with differing data points could be beneficial to fully realise its potential. Additionally, the large-scale processing of this existing raw data has the potential to facilitate the development of additional products and services beneficial to the network and its customers.

A project, or number of, utilising this data to provide increased network knowledge, such as condition, failure prediction, operation and utilisation information as a service could provide significant network benefit.

If you think that you have a project proposal that fits, please fill in this online form by the 12pm on the 14th February.

Tagged under
  • Innovation
  • DSO/Smart Networks