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£7.6million Power Boost for Warwickshire

A major initiative to boost power supplies and support the development of new homes and businesses in Warwickshire is underway.

We (WPD), the electricity distributor for the region, is committed to investing in its network to further improve supply reliability and customer service levels.  

A new major substation has already been built in Wellesbourne and the next phase of this new initiative, which is due to start on April 11, 2022 involves the installation of 1km of new underground cables along Princes Drive, Leamington Spa starting from Myton road.

This work will help to further safeguard supply reliability to more than 65,000 customers in the Wellesbourne, Warwick and Leamington area while also supplying power to the new housing developments and industrial units in Wellesbourne. The cable laying is expected to take two weeks to complete. During this time, traffic management will be in place to enable our contractors Kier to install the cables. 

“This work ensures that we can provide a high level of service to these areas in the long term by improving the infrastructure and security of our electricity network, said Keith Davis, WPD’s Team Manager for the area.

“Our aim is to keep any disruption to an absolute minimum. Although traffic management has been in place on this section of road for a number of weeks for a different company, unfortunately we were unable to carry out our work at the same time, since it wouldn’t be safe to carry out excavations in the highway while other contractors were working on scaffolding above it.

“We are currently working with Warwickshire County Council and local businesses and residents to schedule our works to minimise the inconvenience in the area and have arranged to carry out the cable laying during half term. We will also be keeping customers and business along the route informed by letter and by visits from WPD representatives,” added Keith. 

The project forms part of our commitment to provide a consistently high level of service to customers. Over £7billion is being invested by our company on our electricity network between 2015 and 2023.

Local residents are invited to contact WPD’s Ross Mottram if they have any queries on 01455 232336.