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20/20 Vision - VR Promotes Child Safety Message

Our virtual reality (VR) experience has now been released, helping children to understand the dangers of electricity.

A child enjoying the VR experience at the Bath and West show stand.

Promoting safety messages through VR is an industry first and taking a look at the benefits, it is providing an active and immersive experience for children. With access to Facebook, Instagram, computer games, mobile phone apps and iPads, they are almost reliant on technology and even more clued up than their parents, so it is a logical step to use this as a part of learning.

Virtual reality technology enables educational displays that are typically impossible in classroom settings and is a tool that lets students explore different realities and alternative learning experiences. 

Education Liaison Officer Ruth Adams said: ‘Look up, Look out, Stay out’ is aimed at children of 12-years-old and up. The video guides viewers through a story of a group of teenagers having fun flying a drone, which then gets lost in an electricity substation.  The teenagers decide to put themselves in a dangerous situation, so the film highlights the hazards that should be avoided. 

“This will be available to view through our social media channels, the Power Discovery Zone website and through VR/360 viewing platforms.  Both English and Welsh versions are available.

“Engaging with this age group is a priority." 

"We aim to provide information that will encourage children to make the right choices. It puts them in a situation that will enable them to see the consequences of their actions.”

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